2 channel vs 3 channel vs 4 channel what heli should you get
Welcome to our new large monitor format, This is a quick movie exhibiting the distinction amongst two channel three channel and 4 channel helicopters.
Video clip Score: 4 / 5
Welcome to our new large monitor format, This is a quick movie exhibiting the distinction amongst two channel three channel and 4 channel helicopters.
Video clip Score: 4 / 5
Very informative video thanks?
i saw a? rabbit
Great! Thanks!!?
A few good suggestions are the syma S107-C It has a nice camera and it flies great.
It’s an? all around good starter heli.
the syma s800 G is actually a 4 channel heli at a 3 channel price, it basically has a 3 channel control layout with a 4th channel (roll) added to the right stick. so it’s a little different then a traditional 4 channel, but it’s still a good chopper.
Their are also some great micro quad rotors at low prices on the market..
I’m thinking of buying a 3 channeled one, but there is so much to choose from and get confused about. I’m just a starter so I don’t know? anything about rc helicopters and I would like to know what helicopter I should buy first.
I have had 2 2 channels? and I currently own a 5 channel.
My first was 3 channels but? great fun
no, its? gyro.
Very nice? exercises and helpful information
at 2:16 WooooooW thats a lot of games there
I’m? eventually going to have to hire some one to help me
You could do it progressively. Start? with what you “deem” are good starters or divide up the selection into channel classes.
That’s not a bad idea, I? need more planes and cars though to have 5 in each.
Ever thought about doing a top five for each category? I’m pretty? much hooked since I got a little AirHogs as a joke gift for Christmas. Makes for something nice to play with on those days I can’t actually fly.
usually the .5 means you can? turn headlights on and off
What is the difference between 3 and 3.5? channels on a helicopter?
men you are a master. ive tring? to flighta 4 chanel J-set and canot do that