Video Rating: / 5
Walkera Dragonfly # 22E 6 Channel Helicopter Video Rating: / 5
dint know betr…bought that as my first heli…way a piece of crap
Hi, can you tell me the official website of the helicopter? My cousin gave me this helicopter but I haven't the battery. Thanks
ghfgh fghr thr t
does it come with a motor
i hated the music it was so cheesy
ya it does but not very well but enuff to have fun with it.
i kinda agree but you dont no the the guy so you should not be mean like that even thow it was retarded and dont right me a terrible responce because that would piss me off.
whahaha this video is great he is fuckin yall all up whahaha
does it truely go inverted without upgrades?
hahaha 'skerd' to fly?
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dint know betr…bought that as my first heli…way a piece of crap
Hi, can you tell me the official website of the helicopter? My cousin gave me this helicopter but I haven't the battery. Thanks
ghfgh fghr thr t
does it come with a motor
i hated the music it was so cheesy
ya it does but not very well but enuff to have fun with it.
i kinda agree but you dont no the the guy so you should not be mean like that even thow it was retarded and dont right me a terrible responce because that would piss me off.
whahaha this video is great he is fuckin yall all up whahaha
does it truely go inverted without upgrades?
hahaha 'skerd' to fly?