Rc Heli Fuel

RC BIG SCALE Helicopter CH53 Heer RC

Im Alter von nur 59 Jahren verlor die Modell Szene ein Urgestein des Hubschraubersports. Heinz Hoffmann * 15.09.1954 ist am 06.06.2014 verstorben.
Wir trauern um einen Freund und Fliegerkollegen der mit seiner Ruhe und seinem Sachverstand vielen Jungpiloten ein Vorbild war und mit diesem Film auch immer bleiben wird.
Dieses Video war das erste das ich gedreht habe und ist der Grund weshalb der Modellsport, das Fliegen zu meinem Hobby wurde. Vielen Dank lieber Heinz. Wir vermissen Dich sehr !

Ruhe in Frieden.

Unsere Gedanken sind bei seiner Familie.


RC Airwolf Helicopter with Peter Spero Sound Track

Here is the flight Video of RC Electric 450 Size Airwolf, Walkera 450BD5 that we all have been waiting to see. Its basically a compilation of this superb RC …

I was flying my Raptor 50 one they in march, When I was landing I stepped back and step on a rock, spraind my ankle and lost control of the heli. He heli cam…
Video Rating: 3 / 5


Big Scale RC Bell 212 Crash! HD

Big scale RC helicopter Bell 212 crashed with no damage while testing. Trophy “Len Mount” Scale Helicopter Spain 2013. (Requena) My thanks to the organizers …


Killer RC Helicopter

Video of a remote control (and autonomous) helicopter with a fully automatic 12-guage assult rifle. Sweet!


4 Year Old Justin Jee (Chi) – RC Heli XFC Noontime Demo – Jun 2007

RC heli pilot Justin Jee’s JustinJee.com Saturday noontime demo at the 2007 XFC (Extreme Flight Championships) on June 16 2007. Please visit http for more info on Justin and HD videos. You can read about how Justin got into RC in “About Me” section in his website.
Video Rating: 0 / 5


7 Year Old Justin Jee – Trex 700N RC Heli Flight – 2009 Oct 11

7 year old Justin Jee JustinJee.com flew at the 2nd annual Heli Phenomenon Fun-Fly at the Mansfield, MA on Oct 11th. He is flying his favorite Align Trex700N machine powered by OS HZ91 and Hatori SB-20 pipe http and 30% Cool Power morganfuel.com. He is testing the new SWE http 700DCN narrow chord blade from Korea. The cyclic servos are Hitec hitecrcd.com 7940TH with 222in-oz torque at 0.06sec transit time. 2s 4000mah lipo from ThunderPower is regulated through Fromeco http Arizona regulator at 7.4v setting. Justin has been flying helis for 3.5 years since he was 3 1/2 years old.
Video Rating: 0 / 5



Trex 600 RC HELICOPTER KORC~CRAZY STUNTS Apocalypse now, last flight of the Protoge and Trex 600 RC helicopter flying set to Wagner’s Ride of the Valkyries.
Video Rating: 4 / 5


Front lines: Fuel of War. RC Heli vs. Real Heli

LOL, My RC attracts more attention than myself
Video Rating: 5 / 5

www.micro-flight.com A rather large, home brewed, simple, yet very realistic and easy to control Ultralight RC helicopter I put together out of boredom with commercially available 500 size helis, which have become cookie cutter in style. I purposely designed this helicopter for simplicity and so that I could spend more time flying it then setting it up or tweaking it, reason it is just FP. I am using the famous MIA Micro-Flight Pilot Figure, I have been using in my other Ultralight Planes and Autogyros (see my other videos here in You Tube). More than 2 decades ago, I started designing my own electric helicopters, a time when the only commercially available RC helis were mainly model fuel powered. In contrast to the products I’ve been promoting, manufacturing and selling, for the last 10 years, which have been tiny in size, my first experimental RC electric heli designs were rather large helicopters, 600 size, the reason being that technology was not that small, in those years and it was not feasible for making a helicopter that was 20 inch rotor without a considerable compromise on flight time. But eventually my heart was on the really tiny stuff. I think because no one else was making them, which, eventually, led me to making some of the very first tiny RC helicopters, such as the MIA Sport LE, MIA Robin 280, MIA House FLY, MIA Bumble Bee and MIA Mosquito (Mosca) micro, sub micro, and palm size, before any of the big names in RC helis did it. I’ve been wanting to put


Home Made Ultralight RC Helicopter

www.micro-flight.com A rather large, home brewed, simple, yet very realistic and easy to control Ultralight RC helicopter I put together out of boredom with commercially available 500 size helis, which have become cookie cutter in style. I purposely designed this helicopter for simplicity and so that I could spend more time flying it then setting it up or tweaking it, reason it is just FP. I am using the famous MIA Micro-Flight Pilot Figure, I have been using in my other Ultralight Planes and Autogyros (see my other videos here in You Tube). More than 2 decades ago, I started designing my own electric helicopters, a time when the only commercially available RC helis were mainly model fuel powered. In contrast to the products I’ve been promoting, manufacturing and selling, for the last 10 years, which have been tiny in size, my first experimental RC electric heli designs were rather large helicopters, 600 size, the reason being that technology was not that small, in those years and it was not feasible for making a helicopter that was 20 inch rotor without a considerable compromise on flight time. But eventually my heart was on the really tiny stuff. I think because no one else was making them, which, eventually, led me to making some of the very first tiny RC helicopters, such as the MIA Sport LE, MIA Robin 280, MIA House FLY, MIA Bumble Bee and MIA Mosquito (Mosca) micro, sub micro, and palm size, before any of the big names in RC helis did it. I’ve been wanting to put
Video Rating: 5 / 5


7 Year Old Justin Jee – Aeolus RC Helicopter Crash – 2010-03-18

7 year old Justin Jee JustinJee.com starts a new year with a bang. He sacrifices a new Aeolus 50cf to the crash gods. He has been in hibernation all winter and just woken up a week or so ago. Heli Spec Heli AHF Aeolus 50 CF Engine: OS 50 Hyper Muffler: Hatori SAB50 Blade: SWE Rotors 600DCN Radio: Hitec Aurora 9, Optima 9 Servos: Hitec 7940TH, Futaba 9256 Gyro: Align GP750 Pitch: +/- 13deg, +/-7 deg Power: Thunder Power 2s2600mah, Fromeco Arizona @ 7.4v Misc: SwitchGlo Pro Fuel: Morgan Fuel Cool Power 30% Heli
Video Rating: 4 / 5


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