I bought it on ebay. Its very good looking and very agile.
@tristonrf I didn´t try to break it… but it´s very durable and when it ´s well calibred it´s very easy to fly with it.
is this easy to fly and does it break easily?
@GringoMuchachos Battery is not changable…
Can you change the battery easily?
@fraggem Yes. That´s the reason that I made this video. Because before this I didn´t see it flying…
@RC240 np man, i just did some research on these. thanks for your video, as it’s the only one showing the heli in action. i just ordered mine 😉
@fraggem Thanks. Name has been taken from the item name on ebay… I was also surprised that it isn´t infra…
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@tristonrf I didn´t try to break it… but it´s very durable and when it ´s well calibred it´s very easy to fly with it.
is this easy to fly and does it break easily?
@GringoMuchachos Battery is not changable…
Can you change the battery easily?
@fraggem Yes. That´s the reason that I made this video. Because before this I didn´t see it flying…
@RC240 np man, i just did some research on these. thanks for your video, as it’s the only one showing the heli in action. i just ordered mine 😉
@fraggem Thanks. Name has been taken from the item name on ebay… I was also surprised that it isn´t infra…