Walkera CB180Q Review

For Purchase At Xheli.com 4 channel hybrid helicopter rc helicopter, 4 channel rc heli, rc heli, xheli.com, xheli


5 Responses to “Walkera CB180Q Review”

  • Vbluguitar:

    @sparky0308 I was speaking is “cheap heli” terms :). that 450 sounds awesome! Oh, and walkera just released a new “cb180q” in the form of a v200DQ01. Its flybarless and is supposed to be a lot more manuveralbe than the 180q. It uses 3 gyros for stabalization. Pretty cool! My friend is getting one for Christmas. I will try to get some vids posted when he gets it. Supossedly it is easier to fly than the 180q but also able to fly faster. we shall see 🙂

  • sparky0308:

    @Vbluguitar, I have many Helis that the only plastic parts on them are the ball link connectors and they fly 3D better then the plastic ones just from being more rigid. The new version of EXI’s 450 SE V2 pro is a good example of what I mean, which I am programing as we speak and will review as soon as I have enough stick time with it. I was expecting more metal is all I meant not just a metal head.

  • sparky0308:

    @Laxman, It’s one of the ones I would recommend but if you are a true beginner I would start with a coaxial or better yet the new 4 channel Airhog 360 which has the same controls as a larger one but you can fly inside without breaking anything and it’s almost unbreakable. Just got mine in the mail yesterday and love it..

  • Vbluguitar:

    Hey, try an Esky Honeybee or Blade mSR before going 6 channel. The CB180Q is very docile and you may not be ready to fly a 6 channel CP. I have an MSR and it is WAY faster than the 180Q. It goes between 10 and 15 mph and really dives like a CP. It won’t invert and it does automatically stabilize, but it will get you used to the crazy speed that you will encounter with a CP. Its also pretty durable so you can push the limits and crash without doing to much damage 🙂

  • Vbluguitar:

    I thought the “not metal” comment was funny. If it was all metal it wouldn’t fly ;). Its common for sellers to say “metal” in the description when the heli has all metal upgrades on the rotor head assy. Most helicopters don’t have metal heads stock and you have to spend $30 to $100 to buy the CNC parts. Great review though, just thought I would share that with you.

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