Posts Tagged ‘upside’

HOW TO: 3Ch RC Helicopter flying upside down!

My Syma S032 ‘Fiery Dragon’ 3 Channel RC Helicopter flying upside down after I made a few adjustments.

Filmed with Apple iPod touch 4th Generation camera.
Edited with iMovie app for iOS.
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HOW TO: RC Helicopter 3D Flying (upside down) at Indoor Sports Center

I wish we had more of this on video….they guy flying the helicopter was really good; at times he was hovering inverted.
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HOW TO: RC Helicopter Flying Upside Down

Jim flying his r/c helicopter upside down, trying to mow the lawn I suppose.


HOW TO: RC helicopter upside down head touch

R/C helicopter head touch on paved runway.
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HOW TO: RC Helicopter flying upside down (V922)

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HOW TO: Helicopter Physics Series – #3 Upside Down Flying With High Speed Video – Smarter Every Day 47

I would appreciate it if you share this by clicking here: . Sorry about the Ad, I’m saving for the kid’s college education and this is my plan to pay for it. There’s more to Chopper Physics than you think. I will be releasing the videos at the end of the video over the next few weeks.

Tweet questions/comments to me personally @SmarterYouTube

MUSIC “It’s probably going to be OK” created by “A Shell In The Pit” Download it here:

You can actually rent a Phantom if you have something to research or you just want to have fun. Use this form and tell them Smarter Every Day sent you!

The wizard pilot is Carl Groover
Carl Flies for the Curtis Youngblood team
Carl’s Youtube channel is here:

Sarah Xu created the awesome time-lapse intro.
Get Smarter Section

Want to learn more and get lost on Wikipedia?
The Rolling Shutter Effect
Similitude (How Engineers determine the dimensions of wind tunnel models)
For you hardcore RC enthusiasts who want to stick to the RC term for CCPM (3 servo swashplate control)
Just for fun: Where I get T-Shirts when I go to Destin

Instead of saving for my kids’ college, I make videos using the money I would have saved.
The thought is it will help educate the world as a whole, and one day generate enough revenue to pay for their education. Until then if you appreciate what you’ve learned in this video and the effort that went in to it, please share the video. If you REALLY liked it, feel free to pitch a few dollars towards their college fund by clicking here:

Warm Regards,

Video Rating: / 5


How RC Helis fly upside down?

Come see the full article about how RC Helicopters can fly upside down at
Video Rating: 4 / 5


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RC Helis