neXt CGM rc Heli Simulator update inverted autos fixed and auto bailout practice

neXt CGM rc Heli Simulator update inverted autos fixed and auto bailout practice
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5 Responses to “neXt CGM rc Heli Simulator update inverted autos fixed and auto bailout practice”

  • R3L72:

    Wow! Unlike RF and Phoenix, I don't see a whole lot of 'drift' everywhere. That's why I gave up on Sims. WC, your 3D on this Sim looked clean & sharp!

    Radio setup a pain?

  • 4thGloryMonday:

    Still gotta get me a better sim. To afraid to try too much on my 300x but I'm getting better at inverted. Nice job man.

  • 4thGloryMonday:

    Hey wc I sold that dx6i for u. My buddy wants me to set it up for him this weekend

  • georgesjunglerc:

    Hey WC!  Great job bud.  Practice makes perfect!  Thanks for sharing and happy flying!

  • Mouse:

    Liked bro good practice

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