Minecraft RC Mod – Rc Heli

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6 Responses to “Minecraft RC Mod – Rc Heli”

  • Nathan Vang:

    Cool well how does he get the mod

  • Nathan Vang:


  • Knight:

    whenever I try to use a remote, MC freezes and I have to use Crl + Alt + Delete to get out of it…. Any way I could fix that?

  • TheShiphoo:

    i already learn inverted flying with it 😀

  • halobioniclefan:

    If you look on the forum, it says you need modloader. Scroll down and you will see that it might not be compatible with modloader.

    I downloaded the mods audiomod and modloader but it wont load. That's the only two mods on besides the RC mod.

  • WideWings:

    the RC plane community is joined with the minecraft community!!!! 😀

    i must say… when i am not playing minecraft i am flying my 6 channel 3D helicopter 😀

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