rc heli with in flight video

rc heli with in flight video

hirobo ghp346 taking a dvr camera for a ride around the feild

Fast 3D RC Heli Video http://www.rcvidz.com


5 Responses to “rc heli with in flight video”

  • Joshi Boy:

    thanks, i will try it : D

  • sonixsp:

    the camera is like a 90.00 camera with a side view screen. it was simplt velcro strapped to the side with some foam padding between the camera and canopy.

  • Joshi Boy:

    OW and i own a Kyosho Concept 30 (sr-x)

  • Joshi Boy:

    Ja wat camera…………….and wat do you required for it?(witch camera and stuff)

  • sonixsp:

    its a vivitar 550 dvr mini camera.80.00 then it was wrapped in foam then velcroed to the side. I didn't flip the heli. didn't want it to come off and through the blades.
    i just got an ergo 60 that will be made in to a camera ship.

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