Inverted Training Gear for the 450 Heli with CRASH

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13 Responses to “Inverted Training Gear for the 450 Heli with CRASH”

  • edwin4759:

    most stupid idea i ever watched

  • A2544321:

    Don’t know if you’ve mastered the inverted hover since this video but the best way to learn is go high and start flipping into inverted. Gradually hold the inverted for longer and longer till you become confident then start bringing the heli lower. These sorts of inverted training gear are a waste of time as you’re already on the deck. One wrong move and it’s in. Happy flying!

  • Loonistrator:

    Hmm… Yeah, y’know what? I think when the time comes I’ll just invert it when it’s already in the sky and there’s plenty of recovery space. It kinda looks like you need to know how to fly inverted already to use that thing.

  • Dylanrmproduction:

    Oh man! SIM SIM SIM! WHY? Oh man….

    Sorry jmulikow but,

    you never take off “nose in”

  • Nomoreidsleft:

    Everyone who used one on these has posted a crash video. Besides it’s not about just controlling it while it’s inverted, you also have to go from normal to inverted. That means you need to pitch up, and then switch to inverted at the right point.

  • 64thekillzone:

    lol i bet he never practiced on the sim

  • HBparkflyers:

    hahahhahhahahhahahahahhahahhhahaaahahahahhahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhah ……………………………………….hahahahahahahahhahahahahahah…………………….hah
    why dont you just…………………………….hahahahahahahahha…hmmmmmmm..hhahahahahahahahhhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahh

  • mrkekson:

    tis is the funnyest shit ever 😀

  • Noahmyra:

    That was to funny.


    thanks for the vid, and input, I will save money now and never buy one of those lol, p.s. hope your repairs went smooth, it looks like a nice heli, mine are clones, poor boy heli’s,, i’m gonna go see how many others have tried this, take care


    @SPAGHETTIMONSTER1 hmmmmmmmmmm….dont know if Im going to do it again…lol…I doubt it.


    I was thinking poor heli, myself the training gear just looks better under the heli. are you gonna try again? or just showing people it is not easy to do lol. looked near impossible

  • arlal:

    next time maybe might better

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